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Brian Tracy and Jaroslavs Kaplans' joint PR conference in San Diego, dedicated to the presentation of their book "Cracking the Business Mastery Code"

context analysis business intelligence entrepreneurial task media publications

So Yaroslav, welcome.

Jaroslav Kaplans 0:48
Thank you for welcome, Brian. Welcome. Thanks. So 25 years ago, I read the book Eat That Frog from Brian Tracy,

Brian Tracy 1:07
Thank you.

Jaroslav Kaplans 1:08
It was first time in my life when I realized that I can control my environment, because before I was like an effect, and somebody else can control me. But after your book, it was my first time when I realized that I can control my environment, yes, and from my experience, I realized that the more I control my environment, the more I become more reason. I become more money and I can help more people. So it was very important step in my life that put me on the way. I got my direction, and now my job is to help entrepreneurs find new opportunities on the market, because there are a lot of opportunities on the market, but some people struggle from recognizing them, identifying them, and this is a very important job to help people to find their opportunities. And how I do that, I achieve that through research. So I have research company, and we collect data, we get knowledge, we step by step, finding new perspective on the same market, on the whole area of activities, and this brings my clients the feeling that they also can control the environment. And now it's my turn to eat the frog, because it's new experience for me to speak in English on this conference with Brian Tracy So and of course, it's my pleasure to be with you.

Brian Tracy 2:53
Thank you.

Jaroslav Kaplans 2:54
And it's very comfortable. You know, when you're between these nice people, it's very comfortable to see, and I feel myself like very good. I feel myself very good. My name is Jaroslav Kaplan, and as I told you, my job is to help people to find new opportunities. And this is exactly what my chapter in the book about. We call it like second brain strategies. This metaphor comes from myth that dinosaurs, long ago, had two brains, not only one in the head, but also second, even larger nervous system next to the plevis, which one scientist believed helped them to control back part of the body. This idea becomes more clearer if we look at the failure rate for new product launches, depending on this study, seven to eight new product launches fail. I mean seven to eight from out of 10 new product launches fail and leave the market. And the reason why it's happened, I believe, is that entrepreneurs frequently forget that the consumer's perception of the value is relative, not absolute. For example, the value of bottle of the water is completely different in a desert versus a supermarket in a desert, it could be priceless, but in a supermarket it it just falls within the very narrow price range. And this point is very often missed by entrepreneurs. And in real life, we don't have such thing as a absolute value detached from the external conditions. For example, imagine you are on a sinking raft in the middle of the ocean with a chest full of gold and jewels. You'd probably toss it overboard as a usage junk because the value is relative you need to survive, and this is exactly where the second Brain Stress. G's approach came in. So we need to have two brains, one brain for stability and second brain for adapting to the new conditions, new innovative approach, new solutions just to survive in a ever changing environment. So I realized that we need to have two brains, two control centers, first for stability, for predictability. It's the job for management. They manage operations, but in the same time, we need another another brain, another control center that brings us creativity, innovations and the chance to develop and create new opportunities for the people. So if you want to buy my book, you can click here and go the book. And this is my chance to thank Brian for your wisdom, for your giving me right direction, because, as I told you, are the first who give me the chance realize that I can control something in my life.

Brian Tracy 6:12

Jaroslav Kaplans 6:13
Thank you very much. Thank you.

Brian Tracy 6:16
Now, this is really, really important. What do people buy? Well, the answer is very simple. They buy a job to be done at a cost effective price, and they buy a problem to be solved. So the key to success in business is to say, what job does my product or service do for my customer, better, cheaper, faster, easier than any other solution, and what a solution or what problems does my product or service solve? And this is what people are concerned about. And I often tell my audiences that price is not the reason for buying anything, everybody thinks that always has to be a low price, because they always ask, How much does it cost? And so on. Price is merely a piece of information that everybody wants to know. They want to be sure that they're not paying more than they have to, but it is the solution to the problem. Is the job that your product or service does, and your job is to find your jobs undone, problems unsolved, that you can offer a solution to that is superior to anything else that's out there. Jack Welch, who I worked with a couple of times, was the president of General Electric. He said that you have to have a competitive advantage. And a competitive advantage is something that you do better than anyone else, and you have to be number one or number two in your market with your competitive advantage, or don't compete, get out of it and do something else. So therefore, you always have to think, what is it that I do that is superior to any of my competitors? And it's not lowering the price, it's increasing the benefit, it's increasing the improvement, it's increasing the positive change. And that is what Jaroslav is doing, is he's helping identify opportunities where you can take your product or service and sometimes repurpose it for completely different markets. Sometimes your very best potential customer is not the customer that you're trying to get. It's a different customer. And that's what Jaroslaw helps people to identify, and it can be a real game changer. It totally changed your business. And all the great successful businesses are people who started off with going one direction and ended up doing something different, where they achieved huge success. And so Yaroslav helps companies to identify that. So thank you, my dear friend. Thank you.

Jaroslav Kaplans 8:59
Thank you.

All 9:00
Thank you. Thank you.