

(Business Intelligence)
I organized the BUSINESS INTELLECT IQ (Business Intelligence) project in 2015 and it started with me setting a goal to find the cause of the high level of "mortality" in entrepreneurship.

I have been wondering why only 3 out of 10 entrepreneurs reach their ten-year anniversary. These figures, of course, vary from country to country, from industry to industry, but in general the trend is typical.
 only 3 out of 10 entrepreneurs reach their ten-year anniversary
No problem can be solved from the same level of consciousness that created it.
Albert Einstein, brilliant physicist, Nobel laureate
Albert Einstein wrote: "No problem can be solved from the same level of consciousness that created it. One must get above the problem by rising to the next level".
If this is true, where is that next level at which we can solve the problem? This is the question that started this study.

Back then, in 2015, when I first embarked on the path of finding answers to this question, I had no clear plan on how to find out the answer to this question. I deliberately did not choose any of the existing theories as a starting point, as I quite rightly assumed that this could later become an insurmountable obstacle for me to gain new insights and find a solution.

At that time, I must admit, not without a share of doubt, I formulated the central hypothesis of this research:

The reason for such a high "mortality" rate in small business is probably that entrepreneurs in their activities miss some main task, the solution of which would ensure their survival.
Jaroslavs Kaplans
Jaroslavs Kaplans
project author
This missing task was supposed to be closely related to the overall context of such an entrepreneurial activity. It was then that the idea was born to find a universal method that could be used to effectively formulate and solve this new type of problem, which five years later I would call an "entrepreneurial task".

In the process of studying and systematizing a large amount of data, I came to the conclusion that various business systems have common patterns that can be represented as a set of rules that largely determine the future efficiency of such systems. In addition, looking ahead, I have discovered a curious phenomenon: the issue of employee productivity cannot be solved by simply dividing the work into such parts as recruitment and retention, compensation, job descriptions, and project management and treating these components separately.

Usually, entrepreneurs solve their problems by setting and solving management tasks—dividing tasks into parts and then coordinating these 'separate' works. It's a standard approach.

But it makes little sense to give a new liver transplant to an alcoholic without changing his lifestyle. Similarly, in entrepreneurship, there is no point in changing the ACTION of entrepreneurs without first changing their MINDSET. One could say that we are experiencing a "management epidemic" at this point in time. There is nothing wrong with management itself, as long as you are firmly convinced of what you are managing.

This is the main problem in etrepreneurship today — often, it is unclear what (and why) we are managing today.

All this time, I had a dream to create a method through which practically anyone, without special education, could solve entrepreneurial challenges at a significantly higher level than they did before.

I see a great need for it, especially now. Entrepreneurship has always been and will always be the daily bread-and-butter of people on the planet, especially in times of shifting technological platforms, often referred to by the term "industrial revolutions".

However, the new realities require changes that do not even concern the scale of activities, but the mindset of entrepreneurs themselves. As long as people think in the old way, they will not be able to act in a new way. This is another central idea underlying my project.
...There are many things today that indicate that we are going through a period of transition. Everything looks as if something is leaving and something is being born in agony. As if something is crumbling, disintegrating, exhausting, and something else, as yet unclear, is emerging from the wreckage...
Václav Havel, the first president of the Czech Republic, playwright, Nobel laureate
Right now, we are living in a period of an in-between time. Václav Havel wonderfully described the processes taking place: "...There are many things today that indicate that we are going through a period of transition. Everything looks as if something is leaving and something is being born in agony. As if something is crumbling, disintegrating, exhausting, and something else, as yet unclear, is emerging from the wreckage..."

When we move from one worldview to another, we do not always have enough words to describe the new concepts. Sudden changes in our understanding of the world are characterized by a lack of terminology. Note: we still say "sunrise" or "sunset" even though N. Copernicus proved five centuries ago that it is the Earth that moves around the Sun.

I have chosen to show the existence of a new class of tasks, which I have called the "entrepreneurial task". In my materials you will not find hypotheses that must be proved or disproved (as, for example, in mathematics, physics or other exact disciplines), and an abundance of references to infallible authoritative sources (as it is observed in economic, legal or medical sciences).

You will learn my own interpretation of events and facts that I have encountered while studying business intelligence as a separate (from management, production, finance, etc.) factor of entrepreneurial success. Which interpretation you prefer depends on your level of awareness, education, life experience and other available resources.

It is important for my reader to realize that at the moment of transition from an old worldview to a new one, we face certain barriers and difficulties, and uncertainty increases. We can try to ignore this, but this will not solve the problem. Spending extra energy on putting our lives in order does not eliminate uncertainty, but only increases our fatigue. The world is undergoing global change. These are not beautiful words - this is a real transformation, connected with the exhaustion of the traditional mechanism of value creation and exploitation. This "old bus" can no longer take us along the usual route. It is as if the invisible hand of the market has dismantled the rails and left us with a legacy of eroded clay, horrifying potholes and bumps.

I believe that in the near future we will all face fundamental changes in the arrangement of market leaders: from the places where we buy our food to entire product categories and industries. Against the backdrop of rising inflation and a falling economy, it will be practically impossible to rise from the downturn using the old, familiar approaches to business.
At the same time, the falling of markets creates unique opportunities to take off. I think it's no secret to many that crises, if you take advantage of them in the right way, offer great opportunities.

We need "just" a new way of looking at entrepreneurship and what "doing the right thing" means in business today.

In essence, this project is all about that — a new perspective on entrepreneurship.


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